Scientific Projects

The Hram Light Project is a long-lasting work that aims to create a serious game for personal development. This is being achieved by the research and work associated with different university projects. We are happy to announce that we have been approved by the Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) for doing our reasearch. We are grateful to BNSF that supports us with our work and are working stubbornly to achieve the assigned tasks. You can read more about the goals of the BNSF project bellow. Several science articles have been published in different institutions. To check them out click here: articles.

Currently working on

Researching methods for cognitive development with a digital trainer game, through the development of artificial intelligence and neurofeedback systems.


№ КП-06-ПН77/3


This project has 4 targets:

1. To analyse research done on serious games for personal development and to design cognitive research methods, whcih are going to be used with the target product.

2. To implement neurofeedback system via electroencephalography(EEG) and to examine its technical characteristics.

3. To implement a bot trainer with real-time machine learnign through neuroevolutionary methods.

4. To conduct several studies and experiments to examine the effects of the final product.

Our expectations in the end are that the game Hram Light is going to become a proven digital trainer game for improving cognitive and bodily-kinesthetic skills.

Except the target product additional results are goign to be dozens of articles published and a handbook for research in the sphere.